Fact: Seeing firsthand the styles and trends for fall by some of my favorite designers has been absolutely dreamy.
Fact: Meeting my favorite fashion bloggers while admiring their personal style will go down in history books, well at least my history book ;)
Here are a few of the highlights...obviously what the bloggers were wearing are THE highlights.
Plus meeting Jane Alrdridge of Sea of Shoes, Colby Jordan of Minnie Muse, Bebe Zeva of Fated to be Hated, Erica Dolmesek of PS I Made This, Audrey Kitching of The Audrey Kitching, Jennifer Margolin of Red Sole Diaries (she really does wear Christian Louboutins daily!) and sharing a limo ride with Jazzi McGilbert of Jazzimcg to a private Rebecca Minkoff dinner with the CMO attending all wasn't half bad either. Oh and did I mention hanging out with Crosby Noricks of PR Couture on the regular? But hey, CN and I already go way back, in fact, we already have a few sleepovers under our belts.
And it goes a little something like this...

Day 1: How every woman should start her day...with the fashion bible and a little Starbucks. My golden ticket you ask? Venti Zen Green Tea with 2" steamed soy and honey. No artificial flavors thank you very much.

Style Highlights.

TeenVogue.com fall style segment with Jennifer Margolin.

Faves? DKNY Leather, Pour Le Victoire flats and my Sony Bloggie ♥
Nacole Gray
Looks like you had an amazing time! So jealous!
awesome post!!! xo