This week we are admiring this lovechild in particular along with her free spirit and denim cut offs. We are even going to go ahead and agree with her and say, who doesn't appreciate a little butt cheek now and then?
Without further ado, meet Eileen.
RSP: What is your current position in the fashion industry?
Eileen: I'm stimulated by art... and fashion is such a great release of creative energy that I therefore find myself doing contracted jobs within the fashion world. I’ve styled two large production music videos and am the visual merchandiser and assistant buyer for a shoe boutique in La Jolla. Other then hosting a blog and running around San Diego’s trendy lovechild scene I don’t really know the direction my fashion career will take. But where ever it goes I plan to rock the sh*t out of it.
RSP: What is the biggest TREND or MUST- HAVE ITEM for summer?
Eileen: My lovechild trends for spring ’11... Desert boots, highwaisted shredded jean shorts (a little cheek never hurt anyone) and one… just ONE.. long feather earring.
RSP: What is your most prized fashion possession?
Eileen: Definitely my Grandmas vintage 60’s all real Jade necklace.. its so groovy and soooooo 60’s chic. Worth a ton back in the day and worth even more now. Its something you would see Rachel Zoe hold up and say “OMG I DIE” ... I’m not one for trendy genre specific pieces but this necklace will be classic ‘till the end of dayz.
RSP: Which fashion designers or runway trends influence your overall look?
Eileen: Its really not runway trends that catch my fancy.. it’s the street style culture that eats up the catwalk influences and twists it into their own personal funk.. lookbook.nu or everyday fashion blogs are my favorite references over any catwalk.

RSP: In your opinion what is the biggest fashion faux pas???
Eileen: Slut- the girl who tries too hard to look sexy…cheap dress, cheap heels overly teased hair and plastic make-up (you get the picture)… its not the amount of skin that defines who’s attractive.. it’s the confidence they elude.. never let the cloths wear you.

Eileen: My closet solely consists of a color-coordinated combination of LF, NastyGal, and Planet Blue.
RSP: What are you drinking?
Eileen: Not at this very moment, that would be tea : ) but my poison of choice is a 7/7 (segrums and 7-up). One time I ordered this at a bar downtown San Diego and the bartender gave me a look and said “what are you a 50-year old man?” – whatever.. call me vintage? I love it.

Eileen: Mint? Ive been rockin’ Burtsbee’s lifeguards choice chapstick since 7th grade.. the zinc frosts your lips to no comparison.. im never without it! Its hard to come by now because rumor has it that its been discontinued.. so I have a stack of 7 waiting in my cabinet.
RSP: What makes you tick?
Eileen: Tea, Boyfriends and Music… keep life simple so you can enjoy the beauty that is so easily overlooked.
RSP: When it comes to the opposite sex, what is a style must?...and a style turn-off?
Eileen: Ive been known to date all types.. indie/pro-surfer/metro but the common thread between all of them is their over 6’4 and they wear fitted/ skinny jeans.

RSP: Five things in your handbag right now?
Eileen: Well my purse is super tiny, but it consists of burtsbees (duh) an LF sparkle ID wallet, clinique matte powder and my iphone.. sorry im boring but I cant fit anything else !
RSP: Finish this sentence: "I wish..
Eileen: I was Native American.. I want nothing more then to run around in suede and turquoise and paint tribal patterns all over my body all day everyday.. I usually give myself a native American day every year at Coachella.. in which I literally pretend I'm native and deserve to be shoeless, half naked and have lines and dots on my face.. I even bought my kitty (daisy-mae moonchild reguly) a teepee and I have a huge cow skull over my bed… total Indian complex.
Bisous ♥

Love it! She has really interesting style... I <3 LF too! What is the link to her blog, because I'm sensing it will be my new favorite [sorry BBZV]